pour changer l'appartenance du rep eggdrop, à faire dans le rep parent :
sudo chown -R ryal eggdrop

sudo /etc/rc.d/inetd restart
sudo is "super user do" and makes it possible to do commands as teh root

sudo apt-get install xinetd

ftp localhost 7777

sudo rm -rf /glftpd /etc/glftpd.conf

sudo apt-get install openssl

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysqladmin -u root password db_user_password


gunzip -d eggdrop1.6.17-ssl.diff.gz patch -p1 < eggdrop1.6.17-ssl.diff

./eggrop -mn eggdrop.conf


crontab pour eggdrop :
. put botchk in scripts
. put autobotchk in eggdrop dir
sudo chmod +x autobotchk
./autobotchk eggdrop.conf -5 -noemail <--- as ryal not root

'crontab -l' to view all your current crontab entries
'crontab -r' to remove all your crontab entries
'crontab -e' to add entries

crontab pour glftpd :
59 23 * * * chroot /glftpd /bin/cleanup >/dev/null 2>&1
29 4 * * * chroot /glftpd /bin/datacleaner >/dev/null 2>&1

[22:48:36]  set announce(THEMEFILE)     “themes/dakrer.zst”
[22:48:52]  in the dZSbot.conf
[22:48:58]  then at bottom in the same file:
[22:49:22]  insert these lines:
[22:49:24]  set msgreplace(0)           “NEWDIR:*/sample:SAMPLE”
[22:49:32]  set msgreplace(1)           “NEWDIR:*/cd?:NEWCD”
[22:49:40]  set msgreplace(2)           “NEWDIR:*/disc?:NEWDISC”
[22:49:50]  set msgreplace(3)           “NEWDIR:*/disk?:NEWDISC”
[22:49:58]  set msgreplace(4)           “NEWDIR:*/subs:SUBTITLES”
[22:50:06]  set msgreplace(5)           “NEWDIR:*/vobsub:SUBTITLES”
[22:50:14]  set msgreplace(6)           “NEWDIR:*/vobsubs:SUBTITLES”
[22:50:23]  set msgreplace(7)           “NEWDIR:*/subpack:SUBTITLES”
[22:50:31]  set msgreplace(8)           “NEWDIR:*/cover:COVERS”
[22:50:37]  set msgreplace(9)           “NEWDIR:*/covers:COVERS”